Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Surfing the Wave

Yes, a very lame title for this post. Specially when this is nothing useful, just some links about Google Wave.
I'm still trying to understand what can I do with it, but I need people to join my waves. So, if you want, i have some Google Wave invites. Just drop me a line in the comments, or email me.

And now the links to help things get started:
Google Wave First Look
Google Wave 101
Google wave Extension List

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Translation Party

This is the best Google based app ever made.

It really is. Trust me and go try it out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Internet downtime in Lisbon... and a lot other places

Is it only me that feels a little strange that a truck accident in an highway cuts internet to a lot of people?
And that no one really cares? If you look at the mainstream news agencies, the news is just a few lines long... but yesterday morning we could do no work... probably no one is going to do the math how much this breakup cost... but everyone one wants to know the color of Cristiano Ronaldo's knickers... What a great country we have...

PS: And the accident is a very nice excuse for a problem that started the day before...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Is Windows Mobile in Danger of Becoming Software Plumbing?

Here is a very interesting article, with some relevant questions about Windows Mobile future:

Pocket PC Thoughts: Is Windows Mobile in Danger of Becoming Software Plumbing?

Friday, May 8, 2009

My first photosynth

Here is my first photosynth. The pictures were taken in August 2008, but only now I managed to get them online.
It turned out very cool, 100% synthy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Optimizing a web application

Here is a very nice article about how you can improve the performance of your web application, using Firefox, Firebug and YSlow plugin:

Squashing the MVC response - part 1 - BradVin's .Net Blog

Monday, April 13, 2009


Do you have a GPS device? If so, keep it connected all the time, tracking your moves. And then upload the tracks to and contribute to build a great mapping database.

"OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them. The project was started because most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways."
If you have a Garmin PNA, you can convert the data to Garmin's format and use it in you device.

Please contribute!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Life and Death

Recently I saw a very interesting presentation about Geneva, Microsoft's implementation of claims based authentication, using WS-Trust and WS-Federation. I like very much this paradigm, if it catches on will simplify a lot the way we manage identity in our applications and networks. I for sure will start implementing applications with this framework.
A claims-based approach removes from you the hassle of seaching for user capabilities in the AD or other system. You trust a third party to authenticate the user and create a token with just the info you need, nothing more, nothing less.
This connects directly to your online persona, a living thing outside of your control. As the death of a friend showed it to me...

Alex died some months ago. He was one of the most briliant minds I ever met. And a troubled one, unfortunatly.
His death touched me a lot. Since I've been working near Portela, I've passed near his house almost everyday, and always thinking I had to arrange a lunch or something with him. Now it's too late.
But his online persona is still alive.
Everytime I open GTalk, his address is the first in the offline contacts.
His phone number is on the top of my contact list.
His blog is still in my blogroll.
My PDA alerted me this weekend for is 34th birthday.

This is a very strange thing... how do you manages the contacts, the links for someone that died?

Me, i'll keep them.

PS: Happy birthday Alex. This one is for you.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ten reasons why Windows Mobile 6.5 misses the mark

Editorial: Ten reasons why Windows Mobile 6.5 misses the mark - Engadget

I think they are right on the spot...At least for me, my first and current WM phone will be the last...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Palm Pré

Palm is again on the mobile device race. At least they hope so, with the new Palm Pré.

Will it be enough to regain some market share?

I'll follow it in the next months to come...

Oh, happy new year