Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Just to say i'm still alive

New job, new responsibilities, new email, new machine to install, a
LOT of restrictions...
I'll have to start blogging by email, because almost every site is
blocked. At least I still have gmail, slashdot and wikipedia. And
google reader! So, if you have a blog with a feed, you still exist

1 comment:

Mário Romano said...

Hi, Pedro!

Here's what I can do for you: for a small fee I'll provide you with an email gateway that will allow you to post you requests over mail (using gmail), and receiving the responses back on your mailbox :) We will call them "HTTP over SMTP", and probably already exists! Better yet, we could hook up a local proxy that can establish this conversation trasnparently over you browser.

Now seriously, the best of luck to your new job!