Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Power Architect
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Google translation bots
Continuous Integration Booklet
Guidance Explorer
Here is a very usefull patterns&pratices: Guidance Explorer
patterns & practices Guidance Explorer is a tool that enables discovery, composition and consumption of high quality development guidance. Guidance Explorer installs with a connection to the patterns & practices guidance library including performance and security topics for .NET, ASP.NET, and ADO.NET applications. The guidance library contains a variety of guidance types including checklists and guidelines covering design, implementation and deployment topics.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Google Analytics changes
From:<script src="" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> _uacct = "UA-YOURNUMBER-1"; urchinTracker(); </script>To:<script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write("<script src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'></script>" ); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-YOURNUMBER-1"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(); </script>
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Me wants internet!!!
Can some generous soul send me a copy of winmerge? It looks like i'm
in a very restricted access policy, so i cannot access anything...
but I need winmerge! I work with it...
Guess i'll have to bring my 3G access to work...
Just to say i'm still alive
New job, new responsibilities, new email, new machine to install, a
LOT of restrictions...
I'll have to start blogging by email, because almost every site is
blocked. At least I still have gmail, slashdot and wikipedia. And
google reader! So, if you have a blog with a feed, you still exist
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'll have a Moka5, with one lump of sugar
Virtualization is on the rise. Heck, I have clients with complete production environments all virtualized.
It's all very cool, but if you want graphics, forget it. As I don't have a Mac, my solutions are VMWare or Virtual PC or QEmu (I still have to try VMGL).
Enter Moka5. It is a virtualization engine based on VMWare. It promises DirectX and OS X emulation. And it runs on a USB stick...
Looks promising on paper, but because I have VMWare Server installed on my laptop, it cannot start LivePCs...
Let's see if I can get it to work at home.
The device formerly known as gPhone
Yes, i'm still alive (barely...).
Just to give my first impression on Android. It looks extremely cool!!!!
I love the approach: an open architecture, with everybody having the same libraries to work on. And best of all, you can develop in the best IDE around (yes, it's better than VS): Eclipse.
The SDK is here to download.
Google is doing great in its big project: conquer the world!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
T-SQL little secrets (part 1)
Today I enriched myself with a new piece of knowledge.
Here it is:
The return type from a CASE expression is always the one and theBasically, if you have something like this:
same, no matter which WHEN branch that is selected. The datatype
is determined by SQL Server's datatype precendence, which says that
when two types meet, the type with lower precendence is converted
to the type with higher precendence.
Select * from Usersand the columns have different data types, forget it. You can't. You have to use a case for each data type:
case upper(@OrderBy)
when 'USERNAME' then Username
when 'LASTNAME' then LastName
when 'FIRSTNAME' then FirstName
when 'BIRTHDATE' then BirthDate
else LastName
Select * from UsersT
case upper(@OrderBy)
when 'USERNAME' then Username
when 'LASTNAME' then LastName
when 'FIRSTNAME' then FirstName
else LastName
case upper(@OrderBy)
when 'BIRTHDATE' then BirthDate
Read the complete message here.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Software Patents are evil (and stupid too)
If you already don't know, Microsoft will grant all of us the privilege to pass our humble eyes across some of the .Net source code. Hurray.
But for americans, that can be a problem...
Read this. Very funny and entertaining, if you live on the right side of the Atlantic Ocean.
Thank god we don't have software patents...
PS: The right side of the ocean is the one without the stupid president.
No coding allowed here!
Long time no see!! As you may guess, I'm a little short on time, not even to write in this blog... let's hope I can change the trend.
For starters, here is a very nice article about how computers/devices are less programmable. Less programmable, you ask?
Yes. From the point of view of the author, it's harder to develop now than it was 20 years ago. Remember the ZX Spectrum? Your interface was a BASIC interpreter...
He has a good point, especially for the new devices.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Palm Foleo RIP
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Do you have a Palm?
Are you worried about the future of PalmOS?
Well, your problems are over! Just install Linux on your Palm!!
The guys at Hack&Dev have a very nice project, Linux4Palm. And it works!!! I now run Linux on my T5!
Here you can download the complete package. It includes a boot loader (cocoboot), kernel and filesystem images with a windows manager called Opie.
Very cool.
Next step is trying to load OpenMoko.
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
An Anonymous Coward (well, not really anonymous...) left here a comment about an Open Source project to create the world's first free mobile phone operating system. It's called OpenMoko.
It looks promising on the paper, let's see how it turns out. I'm waiting for one!!
PS: Hey Anonymous Coward, I still have a birthday present for you, from 2006...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
It's been a long time since I blogged. Time is short...
Well, let's talk about laptops. More exactly, about the One Laptop Per Children project. If you don't know about it, go read the site.
I'll wait.
Finished reading? Let's continue...
The project is not about a laptop, but a complete learning environment. And it has a dedicated linux distro. Here is a way to run the OLPC in your computer right now. Just download the Vmware image and you are ready to go.
A note of warning: it is slow. Very slow! And a little useless, unless you like to play with Etch A Sketch...
Of course, as a geek, I'd like to have one of these babies... the hardware, not the software...
Will it be a contender to the Asus EEE?
PS: you can find more about the OLPC in this wiki.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Too Darn Hot
In Lisbon the summer is starting to run on full throttle.
In my office, the thing that comes to mind is a Cole Porter song, beautiful sung by Ella Fitzgerald.
The air-conditioner is a complete joke. And the office looks like San Francisco last week...
Maybe they make this thing in human size... I want one!
Windows Vista SP 0.5?
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Scott Guthrie has a nice article about the the new features of Visual Studio 2008(aka Orcas). The web designer is the same as in Expression Web.
It looks promising. I guess I'll have to install it and try for myself.
iPhone Dev Wiki
Ok, it's official. I want an iPhone!
Not for phone, but for the gadget! There is a Dev wiki (I won't post the direct link because they do not want it, but you can google it) with lot's of cool stuff. You have a compiler, assembler and linker... you even have an Apache port!!!
me wants...
Monday, July 23, 2007
Community Hacker
Mario wrote a reference in his blog about a new site from Roy Osherove, Community Hacker.
This is my review: great site, go read it if you have a blog!
TomTom Map Share
My friend Mario had a little idea some time ago. We should be able to update the maps in our GPS devices and share the updates with other users. Being a devil's advocate, I asked him how would he get accurate information? The talk went on and eventually we diverged to another subject.
But I have to admit that it was a pretty good idea.
Well, it looks like TomTom thinks it is a good idea. Here you can read a nice description of the process. Unfortunately, it looks like you cannot share your changes directly with other users. Everything must get the green-light of TomTom. And the scope of changes is a little limited:
- (un)Block a street
- Reverse driving direction
- Change a street name
- Add a missing Point Of Interest (POI)
- Change a Point Of Interest (POI)
And I expect some hacker finds a way to share your changes directly with a friend really soon...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Birds of different feathers...
... still flock together!
After a long battle, I finally managed to put Eclipse and Visual Source Safe working together.
Here is a short walk-through:
- Install Eclipse Europa 3.3
- Install Eclipse SDK (Software Updates->Find Updates)
- Install VSSPlugin, and then put THIS version over it
Thursday, July 19, 2007
101 Ways To Know Your Software Project Is Doomed
Here is a list to all project managers and developers.
My favourites:
9. You start considering a new job so you don’t have to maintain the application you are building
15. You are friends with the janitor
41. The phrase ‘It works on my machine’ is heard more than once a day
48. The last book you read - Visual InterDev 6 Bible
86. Your car is towed from the office parking lot as it was thought to be abandoned
95. You have cut and pasted code from The Daily WTF
Make a little test: count how many of the items in the list happened to you...
PS: my count is over 15, and climbing...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I've been iPhoned!!
Someone with a iPhone came to this blog!!!
Whoever you are, welcome!
If you return another time, please leave me a note in the comments, and tell me if this site is viewable in a iPhone. I'm a great fan of cross-platform, and for me every site should take in account the majority of browsers, including accessibility for disabled.
I hope you return. I'll try to post goods hacks to the iPhone :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Palm's last breath
I have been a fan of Palm for a long time. I currently have a T5, having previously owned a IIIx and a Zire 71. The greatest strength of Palm powered has always been it's simplicity. The applications were simple forms, to input your data and store information. But it's simplicity was the reason behind it's fall.
Things change, but Palm has found it hard to evolve... and the result is the loss of market. It had lot's of applications, but in recent years you had to pay for most of the useful stuff. And multimedia become an important usage for an handheld device. And the simple device, with the batteries lasting for 3 weeks, with 16 tone grayscale and 33MHz processor was a little on the low side...
They put a faster processor, more memory, a color screen, and all the advantages of Palm were gone... you had to struggle for you battery to last 1 whole week. This was the experience I had with my IIIx and Zire 71, respectively.
Nowadays I'm using my T5 to do everything an handheld can do. I can listen to MP3, I can watch movies, I can work with docs and excel. But the advantage over PocketPC is gone.
In the past weeks Palm has announced a new device, the Foleo. They call it a mobile companion, to boldly go where your laptop cannot go...
At around the same time, Asus showed a similar product, the Eee PC.
When you compare both, it's hard to imagine how can the Foleo survive. The screen is bigger, ok, but that also makes it larger. And the processor is ridiculous... and the memory is almost inexistent! The only real advantage is the great fault of the Eee, battery life.
To me, it looks like we are hearing Palm's swan song...
I hope i'm wrong...
Monday, July 16, 2007
How many are you?
Having a new blog, I need a tool to count my visitors. A very nice widget is the ClustrMap on the right, showing were my visitors are coming from. At the time of writing, they are coming from Portugal (really obvious) and from the Philippines (what???).
Another thing I added was Google Analytics. After 5 days I have...
(drum rolls...)
0. Zero. Cero. Nothing. Niente. NADA.
This can't be right! A guy from the Philippines visited my blog, but it doesn't appears in my stats... Google has put the paw in the puddle... (you'll understand, if you're Portuguese...)
Well, I'm going to install a couple of site statistics, and see what is working and what is not...
The candidates are:
Stat Counter
Site Meter
I'll choose the winner in a couple of months...
Published by paipo at 14:17
Tags: analytics, feedburner, google, performancing, site, sitemeter, statcounter, statistics, tracking
Friday, July 13, 2007
Tag Cloud
Do you like tag clouds? I do.
If you use the new Blogger, here is a way to create a tag cloud.
It works for me.
IKEA charging box
We all have lots of chargers hanging around to give power to all our lovely and essential gadgets. And its a mess of cables hanging around, and a pain when charging more than one device at a time.
At Instructables, there's a neat idea to solve this clutter, it's called
The IKEA charging box.
I love IKEA. Almost all my furniture was bought there. I like the design, the simplicity and the price. And now I have an excuse to return to the store.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Master of puppets
But hackers don't have Macs. A real hacker builds his/
So, here it is. You can run TightVNC on a iPhone!
Everyday I'm changing my ideas against the iPhone... it looks like a great gadget, in every way Apple didn't want to...
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hello world
How can I be a nerd, and not having a technical blog?
How can this happen???
Well, no more! Here is my techie blog. If just I had a tech post...
Let's try this:
Do you have a dog? I don't. I cannot program it, so I cannot control it. For guys like me, the solution is almost here: the RobuDog! A dog with Wifi is every programmer's wish...